Friday, 25 February 2011

From the Heart

We have some really great friends in the wedding industry, suppliers who are as dedicated to their work as we are.
We decided to make a few fun things together with them all for Valentine ’s Day, to challenge each other’s skills and
creativity and to do something to do with love hearts for Valentine’s day.
It was lots of fun, and we think what we all came up with was great!
The participating companies are Planet Flowers Beetroot Blue, us and obviously Blue Sky Photography.
Bluesky Photography photographed it all and here are our results. We are running a competition for you to enter your
hearts.  The competition is open until the midnight on Sunday the 6th of March and it must be photo graphs of your work
must be displayed on the blue sky facebook site.

Come on, get thinking and enter your entry for the competition.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fabulous - great idea and great hearts already
